Demonstrationen March for Our Lives blev organiseret i forbindelse med andre demonstrationer rundt omkring i USA efter skoleskyderiet på Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School den 14. februar 2018. Formålet med demonstrationerne var at gøre opmærksom på behovet for en ny våbenlovgivning i USA. Ved demonstrationen udtalte Samantha sig om tragedien:
“I am incredibly honored and humbled to have been able to speak on such an important issue. Throughout this year, I have been able to analyze the U.S. from the perspective of a European student and the opportunity to observe what works in Denmark versus what works in the United States. I hope the students in the United States realize that the world supports them in their fight to end gun violence.”
Ryan Wakat, som læste på DIS i 2013, spillede en stor rolle i forbindelse med planlægningen af demonstrationen. Oprindeligt var det kun en lille gruppe frivillige, der arbejdede hårdt på at organisere begivenheden, men så henvendte gruppen sig til Democrats Abroad Denmark for at få mere hjælp. Gruppen fik yderligere hjælp af lokale frivillige. På den anden side af Atlanten gjorde den amerikanske March for Our Lives-organisation ligeledes opmærksom på den danske demonstration.
Ryan beskriver gruppens indsats:
“The overall feeling was that we needed to do something to show our support for our fellow citizens asking for the passing of common-sense gun law reform in the U.S. As Americans, we knew that it was our responsibility, not only our right, to hold a peaceful protest standing in solidarity with the students and families of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. I was eager to do something to try to make any kind of difference.”
Om morgenen inden demonstrationen blev både Samantha og Ryan interviewet af TV2, hvor Samantha reflekterede over fremtiden: “I hope Ryan and my participation in the event opens a door for other American students to get active about issues at home.”
Fotos: Ryan Wakat
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